In A World Full of Choices: We can be…Medical Doctors

Nondumiso Zondi In my blood I always knew that I wanted to become a doctor so I applied to study to become one but things didn’t quite unfold in my favour. Towards the end of my grade 12 year, I had applied for a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBCHB) as my first... Continue Reading →

Craving a house

(Image not my own) I'm craving a house. I've been craving one since the day I left high school. I often lose track of time caught up in a day dream about how simple yet elegant it will be...the decor details of every wall and every. room. It's not just a house but the... Continue Reading →

Disappointment, defeat and despair

"when you find your path, you must not be afraid. You need to have sufficient courage to make mistakes. Disappointment, defeat and despair are tools God uses to show us the way." "Strange tools, -They often dissuade people from carrying on." I hope to carry on :)...and I hope you too will carry on

Human connections

(Image not my own) The worst mistake we can make (or do make) is to try to impress each other with what we have when who we are is worth much more. Personally, I appreciate people’s aspirations and find them necessary. But I want YOU first before all the clutter

Psychology: The Wim Hof Method

(Images not my own) "Since time began for us, we humans would emerge from our cave in survival mode, crossing the plains on high alert, on the lookout for sabre-tooth tigers or woolly mammoths. We'd hunt our next meal and return to the fire, food and safety, triggering our calm once again -our parasympathetic nervous... Continue Reading →

Let’s talk: What in the Marriage?

(image not my own) “I, ____, take you, ____, to be my lawfully wedded (husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.” These vows sound great, doable...what one should want to be to and for... Continue Reading →

Psychology: Mind Matters- Minding the mind

(Images not my own) The study (scientific study) of behaviour and mental processes is currently referred to as Psychology. Bear in mind that a field of study is a science if it uses the scientific method in acquiring knowledge. Tracing back the development of psychology, it became distinct from philosophy when scholars began to apply... Continue Reading →

New under the Sun

There is nothing new under the Sun. We are as a conveyer belt recycling life experiences *where have I said this before?* So if I will write a book, nothing there will be as a unicorn. All the books I will ever want to read have been written. All the thoughts I will ever think... Continue Reading →

Millennials: We were sold dreams

(image not my own) When I started writing this, the idea was “keep it very short and simple”...but then I got to thinking. It isn’t just millennials to whom society sold dreams. The sale of dreams is still a prevalent placebo that is being administered to the youngest generations. I would rather we say to... Continue Reading →

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